Sunday, May 30, 2010
What's in a name? that which we call a rose

From Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 1600:
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.
quoted from:
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My baby girls graduated 5th grade today! They're taking a big step to 6th grade next year, a whole different world. Part of the growing up process, the process that me, as a mom, get teary eyed just to think about! The older they get the more of their own person they become. I'm extremely proud of them, they both earned A/B averages in academics and conduct. :) I wasn't expecting to have twins, let alone twin girls! It was such a surprise to find out I was pregnant with twins! My husband and I were both dumbfounded. When we told our son Caleb, three years old at the time, that mommie had two babies in her belly, his eyes got big around and he said, "TWO babies"?! I'll never forget him always saying TWO babies! :) It was precious! Today as I watched my girls get their metals and certificates, I remembered when they were babies, the first day home from the hospital. We sat their carriers down and I said aloud, "what do I do with them now"? lol And in the blink of an eye, a snap of the finger, they're eleven years old, going to junior high school next year. Becoming beautiful young ladies, preteens. I'll continue to cherish every moment of everyday and continue to encourage them to "always follow their hearts"...
Their Hearts Forever..."
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Frances O'Roark Dowell
I recently purchased the book "Where I'd Like To Be" by Frances O'Roark Dowell at a thrift store for my daughters to read. Olivia and I began reading together a few nights ago. Together meaning, she has her book and I have mine and we read for about half an hour or so. Quiet time. I'm hoping to get Autumn involved in this reading time as well, I'd love for Caleb to join us but I konw that would be like pulling teeth! Or I should say, pulling teeth would be easier! Anyhow, Olivia has really gotten into this book and is interested in other books by this author. I found her website which includes a list of all her books, frequently asked questions,what inspires her to write and a section that tells all about her. She's a very interesting person and wonderful writer. Olivia is already planning to hurry up and finish this book so we can go to Barnes and Noble to buy Dovey Coe!

Button Hair Clips
I love this simple craft! You can find these little hairclips at just about any store, we usually buy them at the $1 store. Open the clip, attach buttons with hot glue, let dry before you close clip. This craft was found at:

Wish Friendship Bracelet
What tween or teenage girl wouldn't love to make this cool Wish Friendship Bracelet?! Make a bracelet, then get a wish! This project would be perfect to sleepovers, slumber parties or birthday parties!
Price Tag Book Mark
My daughter Olivia asked me to make her a bookmark, so when I started to throw away this price tag from a pair of flip flops, I thought, hey I can make a bookmark out of this! The hole is what caught my eye, I was thinking ribbon! I used a black paint pen (I'm wondering when my son Caleb is going to miss his pens!) to color both sides of the price tag black. Then I used Elmer's School Glue to cover the tag with tissue paper. I used a plain pink paper on one side and polka dotted paper on the other. Once it was dry, I added small dots and an inital on one side and using a silver paint pen colored on the other side, then added ribbon. You can embelish a bookmark tag with glitter, stickers, rhinestones, just about anything you can come up with!

Marble Magnets
This neat marble craft originally comes from, I found it at Most $1 stores carry these type of marbles. It's a perfect tween craft for both girls and boys. I think making the alphabet would be a good idea (with a few extra vowels). Then the kids could spell out things like "cool" and "duh"! :)

Altered Keys
Monday, May 24, 2010
Framed Heart Made of Beach Glass
I found this wonderful idea at: You could use many different items to make your heart. Let your imigination run wild! Maybe do a series of hearts to hang together on your wall, prop up on your mantle or on a shelf, as seen in picture.

How to make Edible Finger Paint
This is one of the coolest ideas I've ever seen! Perfect for litte ones!
Olivia's Cartoon Fish
Following the instructions on this link:, Olivia drew this cartoon fish!

Tango Ladylike Asiatic Lily
Caleb's Graffiti Artwork
Our son Caleb is a skateboarder who loves to draw graffiti art. He makes his own stickers and draws and paints on skateboards and finger skateboards. He even makes finger boards! He's really into videoing now as well, but I'm trying to keep him interested in his art, too. I truly believe art, in many different forms, can be a wonderful outlet for a child, or anyone. Drawing, painting, doodling, taking pictures, etc. is a great way for someone to get what they're feeling out. I also look at art as very healthy and a way to keep one's imagination busy. I'm also known to brag on all my kids, as most parents do! :)

Handprints On The Door
Crazy Momma that I am, I let my girls have a slumber party at our house for no reason at all a couple of months ago. We had a ball! They made a huge cookie out of pre-made cookie dough, they made their own nail polish and lip gloss, we had nachos and the girls danced and watched a movie. It was fun, but wow was it tiring! lol The next day I let the girls go a little crazy and put their hand prints on their door. They were so excited I was letting them paint on their door! I love it!

Peace, Hope, & Love
I can't remember when I made these inspirational rocks, it was so long ago! I can't remember a time when they weren't on my desk. It was obviously a very easy project to do. Kids would love creating their names or sayings with rocks.
How to make alphabet letters using rocks:
You can find a ton of projects at!

You can find a ton of projects at!
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